JoeLの部落♫ じòぴé 一点一滴♫

Monday, January 24, 2011


昨天在巴士上想了一个很好的问题 ♥♥

如果给我机会从 ♥♥

拥有很高的IQ ♥♥

拥有很高的EQ ♥♥

拥有花不完的金钱 ♥♥

拥有俊俏的外表 ♥♥

一路上,考虑着这个问题 ♥♥

最后我决定了 ♥♥

拥有很高的IQ ♥♥

没有超高EQ有什么关系,EQ普通就好 ♥♥

没有花不完的钱有什么关系,够用就好 ♥♥

没有俊俏的外表有什么关系,顺眼就好 ♥♥

之后另一个问题 ♥♥

如果要1对1交换呢?我会选择拿什么交换超高IQ呢? ♥♥

这个问题难道我了 ♥♥

不要外表怎么活下去,不要EQ那来的朋友,不要金钱那来的生活 ♥♥

最后最后最后 ♥♥

我决定放弃这一却 ♥♥

什么都不想要 ♥♥

做回原本的自己 ♥♥

没有高IQ至少还有点IQ ♥♥

没有高EQ至少人缘还不错 ♥♥

没有很有钱至少3餐温饱 ♥♥

没有很俊俏至少四肢健全 ♥♥

Friday, January 21, 2011


Going TIMBRE just now ♫♫

Drink beer , chatting , doing something crazy just now ♫♫

Be4 step into TIMBRE ♫♫

Me , KC , Melvin , Nicole and Aaron were queue outside the TIMBRE ♫♫

The queue is flower-ing long ♫♫

FROM 7.45pm queue until 10.00pm++ only manage to enter TIMBRE ♫♫

June , Agnes , Sueyean , Minghao , AhChow take their sweet time having their dinner in Burger King sia ♫♫

Let 5 of us queue soooooooooo long over there ♫♫

Attention to everyone something to announce here ♫♫

This is my 1st time drink so many beer in 1 time and consider 1st time drink beer ♫♫

超乖的说 ♫♫

1 and half big cups of beer ♫♫

Damn full with some other nice food ♫♫

Pizza , Buffalo Wings ♫♫

Take a lot photo over there ♫♫

Some of them are really drunk ♫♫

Totally can't walk straight and still say I am still awake hehe ♫♫

Anywhere I still awake and still can blogging in this moment ♫♫

The post prove that I still awake haha ♫♫

Even MATH or MECHANIC I still can solve it haha by KC ♫♫

1am we all were leaving TIMBRE to next destination MC'D ♫♫

Half of them going back 1st and half of us going to MC'D having supper there ♫♫

$15 Taxi fee from clack quey back to my home ♫♫

A bit exp but I enjoy the trip although wait a lot and queue a lot ♫♫

Lucky someone share something to us to make us not so boring while queue over there ♫♫

Next time going must book be4 going ♫♫


SOooooooo enthu to go next time ♫♫

NEXT trip BINTAM soo look forward for it ♫♫

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sick After NEXUS camp

Haiz finally NEXUS camp is over ♥♥

But SICK after the camp nono is during the camp ♥♥

The flu is passing around in the camp ♥♥

Quite a lot ppl SICK during the camp ♥♥

What a bad situation for the camp ♥♥

Although a lot ppl SICK but a few of them leaving the camp ♥♥

Keep continue playing the game and everything ♥♥

Happy to heard that good feedback from the campers ♥♥

Because of good this NICE NEXUS camp ♥♥

Make all the campers are soooo look forward to EAGLE camp ♥♥

Make my life more stress sia ♥♥

For the information why I getting stress for it because I am the 1 who need to plan EAGLE camp ♥♥

Hope everything go smoothly and can come out something nice for the campers ♥♥

Exam is coming , Chinese New Year is coming , EAGLE camp is coming ♥♥

Everything come at the same time ♥♥

I need a very very good time management to maintain my study and CCA ♥♥

So I need to find sometime to study even 1min better then don't have ♥♥

Hope EAGLE camp is a nice camp which lead by me ♥♥

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Yeah CNY is coming soon ♫♫

But haven't prepare anything yet ♫♫

Haven't buy anything yet ♫♫

Will have a busy CNY this year ♫♫

Need to plan camp eagle ♫♫

hope everything will go smoothly and my IC can work very well ♫♫

My 1st event in SEG , hope will give me a best memories ♫♫

Today go home early and tmr is my birthday and Nexus Camp ♫♫

Hope the camp will very fun and i have a nice birthday ♫♫

Yeah haven't update my CT result ♫♫

Not bad not bad all the 4 module get A ♫♫

That is my 1st time in my life get all A in exam ♫♫

So excited ♫♫

Pray hard can get good result in final result ♫♫

I think I need rest well to fight until the end ♫♫

Friday, January 7, 2011

♥♥ 烫头发去咯 ♥♥

烫头发去咯 ♥♥

今天特地跑回去烫了个头发 ♥♥

现在的头发好扁的说 ♥♥

学校最近都好忙的感觉 ♥♥

也不知道忙些什么这样 ♥♥

但是眼看考试好像要到了 ♥♥

新年也接近了 ♥♥

书还没有开始读 ♥♥

新年衣也还没开始买 ♥♥

眼看还有1个星期 ♥♥

好快哦 ♥♥

会怎样呢? ♥♥


还是永生难忘?? ♥♥

希望事情不要再发生 ♥♥

不要求那么多 ♥♥

记得就好xx出现就好 ♥♥

我告诉自己窝我不提,我不闻,我不问 ♥♥

希望你们没有忘记 ♥♥

Saturday, January 1, 2011


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 HAPPY NEW YEAR ♫♫

新的一年 ♫♫

走着一样的路 ♫♫

带着不一样的心情 ♫♫

回头看我做过了什么 ♫♫

什么都没有完成 ♫♫

一事无成 , 我浪费了那么那么多的时间 ♫♫

这些时间花在那些愚蠢的地方 ♫♫

为什么我不做点有意义的事情呢? ♫♫

很多时候做了个决定错了就是错了 ♫♫

我不应该申请,我不应该那么愚蠢帮他申请 ♫♫

害了人家 , 也害了自己 ♫♫

读着一开始没有想要的科系 , 燃烧着自己的青春 ♫♫

我想要的永远得不到 ♫♫

得到了也是人家留下来的 ♫♫

做人做的好失败哦 ♫♫

我要摆脱 , 脱胎换骨 ♫♫

不重要的东西一一抛开 ♫♫

每个人心里都有一把衡量重要的仪器 ♫♫

不重要的就少去理,让他慢慢淡去 ♫♫

把空出来的时间放在重要的事物上 ♫♫

说真的和你的在一起的时间我真的很快乐 ♫♫

看到你们我的心情也会莫名的好起来 ♫♫

我的生命少了你们会是怎样的呢?? ♫♫

希望我们可以做一辈子的朋友 ♫♫

希望我们的关系会是有福同享有难,同当的好兄弟 ♫♫

希望有一天我们会以兄弟代替名字互相称呼对方 ♫♫

希望我可以带给你们欢乐 , 同样的减少我的空虚感 ♫♫

新的一年感到好空虚好无助 ♫♫

为什么呢?为什么会这样 ♫♫

按着键盘上那88个按键 ♫♫

一个人面对着3面墙 ♫♫

听着电脑放出来的音乐 ♫♫

想哭但是哭不出来的心情 ♫♫

唯有睡觉垫高枕头想想我的未来 ♫♫

一而再,再而三的提醒自己 ♫♫

你就是你,要痛痛快快的做自己 ♫♫

爱就是爱,喜欢就是喜欢,讨厌就是讨厌,妒忌就是妒忌 ♫♫

没什么好掩饰的 ♫♫

因为我就是这样的男生 ♫♫