Sitting inside the lab ♫♫
Working inside the lab ♫♫
Pressing inside the lab ♫♫
Playing my own laptop ♫♫
Doing nth here ♫♫
Tmr having mechanic exam and now still haven't start study ♫♫
Sitting inside the lab so long ♫♫
But I did nth so far ♫♫
just take out my mechanic note ♫♫
got mechanic tutorial answer , but don't have tutorial question ♫♫
What a funny situation ♫♫
Hope everything going smoothly tmr ♫♫
Just now msn with my FRIEND ♫♫
He asking me what is my further plan ♫♫
Really I can't tell him ♫♫
I really donoe what is my plan ♫♫
Keep changing and changing my plan ♫♫
From sec sch from nursing change to pharmacy and now study engineering ♫♫
But at the end what is my final job ? ♫♫
Be an engineer ?? ♫♫
What can I do now ? ♫♫
Don't hope so much , just can get a stable job and work thoughtout my life ♫♫
上天会决定我未来的路 ♫♫
拭目以待,希望那是个美好的未来 ♫♫
开开心心的上班去,开开心心的放工回家 ♫♫
做着自己喜欢的工作会是多么美好呢? ♫♫
问题是我喜欢什么工作? ♫♫
还有时间继续摸索吧 ♫♫
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
End Of Week 6
End of week 6 ♫♫
Emr a bit busy and a bit slack ♫♫
Week 6 schedule full from Monday to Sunday ♫♫
Is so happy to my mechanic exam result ♫♫
Although can’t finish the paper and make some mistake ♫♫
But is so lucky still can get 6/10 mark ♫♫
Not so bad … ♫♫
Continue to my math class test ♫♫
No bad but donoe why can forget +c and put ± infront square root ♫♫
Due to 2 minor problem i get 18.5/20 but still OK ♫♫
Now I blogging using wanying’s laptop ♫♫
And I Camp at their house for 4 days 3 nights ♫♫
But everyday need to wake up super early ♫♫
1st time going back to Malaysia only for cut my hair ♫♫
2nd time need to reach Chinese garden at 9am ♫♫
3rd time need to wake up early for 3D mould class ♫♫
Nest week , week 7 quite a lot quiz ♫♫
Mechanic quiz again , ATS lab test , ATS e-quiz ♫♫
But haven’t start study at all ♫♫
Must work hard jiayou ahhhhhh ♫♫
Emr a bit busy and a bit slack ♫♫
Week 6 schedule full from Monday to Sunday ♫♫
Is so happy to my mechanic exam result ♫♫
Although can’t finish the paper and make some mistake ♫♫
But is so lucky still can get 6/10 mark ♫♫
Not so bad … ♫♫
Continue to my math class test ♫♫
No bad but donoe why can forget +c and put ± infront square root ♫♫
Due to 2 minor problem i get 18.5/20 but still OK ♫♫
Now I blogging using wanying’s laptop ♫♫
And I Camp at their house for 4 days 3 nights ♫♫
But everyday need to wake up super early ♫♫
1st time going back to Malaysia only for cut my hair ♫♫
2nd time need to reach Chinese garden at 9am ♫♫
3rd time need to wake up early for 3D mould class ♫♫
Nest week , week 7 quite a lot quiz ♫♫
Mechanic quiz again , ATS lab test , ATS e-quiz ♫♫
But haven’t start study at all ♫♫
Must work hard jiayou ahhhhhh ♫♫
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Starting to Stress
Is so busy ♫♫
Like quite a lot thing to do wor ♫♫
Booth duty , meeting ♫♫
Keep go out to find the "thing" that club need to use ♫♫
At the end no need that "thing" waste my time haiz ♫♫
Why not confirm leh just ask me to do leh ? ♫♫
The lab assistance will start from this week ♫♫
so extra 1 thing to do ♫♫
This Saturday and Sunday I plan Camp in zhonglin's house ♫♫
Hope it will be a nice weekend for me and must successful Camp there lah hoho ♫♫
Ya Finally I change my phone to Singtel but still the same number lah don't worry ♫♫
Common Test coming soon ♫♫
This time must do it better then last time ♫♫
Take Note * Study is more important to you this sem ♫♫
Pls don't forget what more important to you ♫♫
work hard to achieve it ♫♫
I know I not as smart as you all but I willing to try ♫♫
jiayou I know I can do it de ♫♫
Like quite a lot thing to do wor ♫♫
Booth duty , meeting ♫♫
Keep go out to find the "thing" that club need to use ♫♫
At the end no need that "thing" waste my time haiz ♫♫
Why not confirm leh just ask me to do leh ? ♫♫
The lab assistance will start from this week ♫♫
so extra 1 thing to do ♫♫
This Saturday and Sunday I plan Camp in zhonglin's house ♫♫
Hope it will be a nice weekend for me and must successful Camp there lah hoho ♫♫
Ya Finally I change my phone to Singtel but still the same number lah don't worry ♫♫
So I can use my phone to online niao so cool .. ♫♫
Common Test coming soon ♫♫
This time must do it better then last time ♫♫
Take Note * Study is more important to you this sem ♫♫
Pls don't forget what more important to you ♫♫
work hard to achieve it ♫♫
I know I not as smart as you all but I willing to try ♫♫
jiayou I know I can do it de ♫♫
Friday, November 19, 2010
SAY NO TO 没回报率的东西
普通人买股票只买有回报率的股票 ♫♫
一点回报率都没有的股票看都不看一眼 ♫♫
我也是一样我付出只求回报 ♫♫
没有回报率的东西我绝对不会理会 ♫♫
对我就是那么自私的人 ♫♫
我自己的利益比人家的利益更为重要 ♫♫
我做每一件事我会以到利益作为前提 ♫♫
人家的事我理那么多对我有什么帮助? ♫♫
对我毫无帮助 ♫♫
为人家着想那么谁来为我着想 ♫♫
为人家着想就好比在大海里割伤自己 ♫♫
伤上加伤 ♫♫
原本受伤你的为了人家着想忍气吞声 ♫♫
最终受伤的那个人还是自己 ♫♫
毫无理由的被当掉我也认了 ♫♫
至少我发现原来我是那么的无能 ♫♫
我应该自我检讨 ♫♫
为什么我的付出得不到回报 ♫♫
不是坐在这里埋怨人家不珍惜我的付出 ♫♫
人家的看法也是人家的 ♫♫
有特殊才能的人就是比较不一样 ♫♫
我没有那么特殊 ♫♫
我只好退出 ♫♫
一直有这样的经历发现越来越厉害控制自己的情绪了 ♫♫
我脸上掩饰不了我的情绪 ♫♫
我的喜怒哀乐都画在脸上 ♫♫
天天告诉自己 ♫♫
你就是你,做回那最真实的自己 ♫♫
不要违背自己的良心 ♫♫
我要什么就做什么,不用事事都更随人家 ♫♫
加油嘉靖 ♫♫
过渡期越来越短 ♫♫
面对失败的情绪也应该习以为常了 ♫♫
失败会让我成长 ♫♫
我失败了我还站得起来表示我还不那么的失败 ♫♫
相信自己可以化腐朽为神奇的 ♫♫
一点回报率都没有的股票看都不看一眼 ♫♫
我也是一样我付出只求回报 ♫♫
没有回报率的东西我绝对不会理会 ♫♫
对我就是那么自私的人 ♫♫
我自己的利益比人家的利益更为重要 ♫♫
我做每一件事我会以到利益作为前提 ♫♫
人家的事我理那么多对我有什么帮助? ♫♫
对我毫无帮助 ♫♫
为人家着想那么谁来为我着想 ♫♫
为人家着想就好比在大海里割伤自己 ♫♫
伤上加伤 ♫♫
原本受伤你的为了人家着想忍气吞声 ♫♫
最终受伤的那个人还是自己 ♫♫
毫无理由的被当掉我也认了 ♫♫
至少我发现原来我是那么的无能 ♫♫
我应该自我检讨 ♫♫
为什么我的付出得不到回报 ♫♫
不是坐在这里埋怨人家不珍惜我的付出 ♫♫
人家的看法也是人家的 ♫♫
有特殊才能的人就是比较不一样 ♫♫
我没有那么特殊 ♫♫
我只好退出 ♫♫
一直有这样的经历发现越来越厉害控制自己的情绪了 ♫♫
我脸上掩饰不了我的情绪 ♫♫
我的喜怒哀乐都画在脸上 ♫♫
天天告诉自己 ♫♫
你就是你,做回那最真实的自己 ♫♫
不要违背自己的良心 ♫♫
我要什么就做什么,不用事事都更随人家 ♫♫
加油嘉靖 ♫♫
过渡期越来越短 ♫♫
面对失败的情绪也应该习以为常了 ♫♫
失败会让我成长 ♫♫
我失败了我还站得起来表示我还不那么的失败 ♫♫
相信自己可以化腐朽为神奇的 ♫♫
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
All the reports , assignments , class tests , proposals are in pending state
All the report , assignment , class test , proposal are in pending state ♫♫
How I going to setter all those stuff in a short time ? ♫♫
Today 1st time bring my lapi to school this sem ♫♫
Is soo "heng" that SEG internet is break down at the moment after we dismiss ♫♫
What a nice long break from 3pm to 6pm with my lapi but without internet ♫♫
Anywhere I have been done quite a lot of thing since don't have internet ♫♫
Can't facebook , can't do marketing report ♫♫
I have been solve mathematic assignment , finish my 3D mould extrude and learn how to do the mechanics tutorial since having a test in this friday ♫♫
And I thought I will start my lab assistance duty on today ♫♫
But fail just went there get some paper and listen for a short briefing then told us can go back niao ♫♫
Haven't get approved to start the lab yet OMG ♫♫
Lucky Miss Cham having the key for us to do ur 3D mould in the lab ♫♫
If not I really waste my time doing nth stuck in sch library and din't bring a single book to study ♫♫
Today feel a bit quite relax maybe have been done quite a lot thing ♫♫
Look like done quite a lot of thing but still a lot of thing haven't finish wor ♫♫
So how many thing that I haven't finish yet neh ? ♫♫
Tomorrow going out with my classmate ♫♫
Although going out is for our NE's report ♫♫
Hope we can have some fun in this short holiday ♫♫
And tmr Melvin san will bring his camera there ♫♫
That mean I can play his camera there ♫♫
OMG cool I can press press press whatever I like whatever in china town ♫♫
Going to sleep soon ♫♫
Must sleep nice nice have a good situation to take photo tmr wowwwwwoo ♫♫
SOoo look forward tmr photo taking section ♫♫
How I going to setter all those stuff in a short time ? ♫♫
Today 1st time bring my lapi to school this sem ♫♫
Is soo "heng" that SEG internet is break down at the moment after we dismiss ♫♫
What a nice long break from 3pm to 6pm with my lapi but without internet ♫♫
Anywhere I have been done quite a lot of thing since don't have internet ♫♫
Can't facebook , can't do marketing report ♫♫
I have been solve mathematic assignment , finish my 3D mould extrude and learn how to do the mechanics tutorial since having a test in this friday ♫♫
And I thought I will start my lab assistance duty on today ♫♫
But fail just went there get some paper and listen for a short briefing then told us can go back niao ♫♫
Haven't get approved to start the lab yet OMG ♫♫
Lucky Miss Cham having the key for us to do ur 3D mould in the lab ♫♫
If not I really waste my time doing nth stuck in sch library and din't bring a single book to study ♫♫
Today feel a bit quite relax maybe have been done quite a lot thing ♫♫
Look like done quite a lot of thing but still a lot of thing haven't finish wor ♫♫
So how many thing that I haven't finish yet neh ? ♫♫
Tomorrow going out with my classmate ♫♫
Although going out is for our NE's report ♫♫
Hope we can have some fun in this short holiday ♫♫
And tmr Melvin san will bring his camera there ♫♫
That mean I can play his camera there ♫♫
OMG cool I can press press press whatever I like whatever in china town ♫♫
Going to sleep soon ♫♫
Must sleep nice nice have a good situation to take photo tmr wowwwwwoo ♫♫
SOoo look forward tmr photo taking section ♫♫
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Week 4 After Sch Reopen
A busy week in this sem ♫♫
Busy to attended event ♫♫
Wednesday fear factor is return at afternoon ♫♫
Wednesday RP's ISC event at night time ♫♫
Thursday Care and Share Tutee / tutee program ♫♫
Friday DPE Camp ♫♫
Start from Monday everyday go back super late ♫♫
Meeting , Dry run , Event ♫♫
Is so pack , and all in this week what a nice planning wow ♫♫
My lapi have been rest for this few days ♫♫
from Monday to Thursday I on my lapi once ♫♫
Between I on my comp is for doing report ♫♫
My comp have a good rest and so sad I can't rest properly ♫♫
After camp reach home at 3pm after I bath terus sleep ♫♫
In between someone is calling me but when I really wakeup ♫♫
OMG is 5am already I slept for 15 hours already ♫♫
And I miss going timber with my friends ♫♫
Planning go drink some beer de but fail too bad ♫♫
Still got marketing report is pending now ♫♫
Hope I can finish it as soon as possible ♫♫
Don't wan so busy niao lah ♫♫
I miss my sleeping time hope my sleeping time can at least 8hours a day ♫♫
Busy to attended event ♫♫
Wednesday fear factor is return at afternoon ♫♫
Wednesday RP's ISC event at night time ♫♫
Thursday Care and Share Tutee / tutee program ♫♫
Friday DPE Camp ♫♫
Start from Monday everyday go back super late ♫♫
Meeting , Dry run , Event ♫♫
Is so pack , and all in this week what a nice planning wow ♫♫
My lapi have been rest for this few days ♫♫
from Monday to Thursday I on my lapi once ♫♫
Between I on my comp is for doing report ♫♫
My comp have a good rest and so sad I can't rest properly ♫♫
After camp reach home at 3pm after I bath terus sleep ♫♫
In between someone is calling me but when I really wakeup ♫♫
OMG is 5am already I slept for 15 hours already ♫♫
And I miss going timber with my friends ♫♫
Planning go drink some beer de but fail too bad ♫♫
Still got marketing report is pending now ♫♫
Hope I can finish it as soon as possible ♫♫
Don't wan so busy niao lah ♫♫
I miss my sleeping time hope my sleeping time can at least 8hours a day ♫♫
Saturday, November 6, 2010
3rd week of sch reopen
End of week 3 ♫♫
And having a long weekend this week due to Deeppavali ♫♫
So in this friday our class having a picnic @ SENTOSA and visit UNIVERSAL STUDIO ♫♫
2nd time walk in to the UNIVERSAL STUDIO and having our dinner inside the UNIVERSAL STUDIO ♫♫
We like a bit waste , pay $5 go in having out dinner and watch the firework show ♫♫
We like going a bit too late , after our dinner all the road already block by the worker can't pass thought niao ♫♫
So we only can visit 2 theme park inside the UNIVERSAL STUDIO ♫♫
Picnic @ SENTOSA we all prepare a lot of bread ♫♫
At the end can't finish all the bread haha ♫♫
Playing same game there ♫♫
Everyone is sick after go home ♫♫
Who is the murderer ? haha ♫♫
So far Enjoy my 3rd week after sch reopen ♫♫
Home my life without stress still going on ♫♫
带着最热血的精神一起冲下去 ♫♫
热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血 ♫♫
And having a long weekend this week due to Deeppavali ♫♫
So in this friday our class having a picnic @ SENTOSA and visit UNIVERSAL STUDIO ♫♫
2nd time walk in to the UNIVERSAL STUDIO and having our dinner inside the UNIVERSAL STUDIO ♫♫
We like a bit waste , pay $5 go in having out dinner and watch the firework show ♫♫
We like going a bit too late , after our dinner all the road already block by the worker can't pass thought niao ♫♫
So we only can visit 2 theme park inside the UNIVERSAL STUDIO ♫♫
Picnic @ SENTOSA we all prepare a lot of bread ♫♫
At the end can't finish all the bread haha ♫♫
Playing same game there ♫♫
Everyone is sick after go home ♫♫
Who is the murderer ? haha ♫♫
So far Enjoy my 3rd week after sch reopen ♫♫
Home my life without stress still going on ♫♫
带着最热血的精神一起冲下去 ♫♫
热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血热血 ♫♫
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

OMG today donoe why ♫♫
Strongly feel want to buy a toy camera X VERSION ♫♫

Donoe why but is sooo small and sooo cute ♫♫
Small until can put inside the mouth (saw from internet de) ♫♫

this toy camera is like lomo ♫♫
Donoe what we take , but this just connect to comp we can see what we take already ♫♫
No need process and print it out save quite a lot money ♫♫
Quite suitable for me I feel , poor ppl haha ♫♫

I will save money to buy myself ♫♫
求人不如求己 ♫♫
Everything I can get myself in sec sch why now I can't ♫♫
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Finally I changing my blog's song ♫♫
The song is from “自由发挥” ♫♫
Is a group of 2 members 1 from 新光大道 another is from 大学生了没 ♫♫
I feel this song not bah and the MV super cute and nice ♫♫
"ping ping ping piang piang piang kuan kuan kuan kang" ♫♫
2nd song is from them also ♫♫
I feel the lyric 。。。。 ♫♫
Maybe my mind same as them ♫♫
谁不知道你有的只是运气 ♫♫
所以你去死吧,别再说一堆屁话 ♫♫
仿佛全世界的人都要在意你的想发 ♫♫
所以你去死吧,别再把我当傻瓜 ♫♫
你还怕没人知道你是王八 ♫♫
Enjoy my life now ♫♫
Monday GYM , Tuesday Swimming Wednesday Go Home early Thursday and Friday planning now ♫♫
Today is Tuesday that mean going to swim just now ♫♫
Swim 10 laps just now , is a bit tired after swim ♫♫
But when I jump into water I feel soosososo relax inside the water ♫♫
I can control my breath myself ♫♫
And I found something , is so simple but I laugh no stop ♫♫
The joy is laugh from my heart ♫♫
We just play splashed water to each other ♫♫
Is so stress for 19 years ♫♫
Take photo , Swimming , Splashed water can make me feel relax ♫♫
What can stop me to continue my hobby neh ? ♫♫
Hope after that I still got time continue splashed water with them ♫♫
This few day keep asking ppl go take photo with me ♫♫
Pls take it serious oh , I am soo enthu go out with u all and go take photo ♫♫
Don't have camera nevermind can borrow from other ♫♫
But who willing to lend me his/her camera leh ? ♫♫
So keep ask ppl go out with me so I can use their camera to take photo ♫♫
Hope I can success go out with them learn some skill from them ♫♫
Is time to enjoy my life ♫♫
After graduate maybe don't have so many time to play whatever I like ♫♫
So everything must do it now ♫♫
要疯狂就要趁年轻 ♫♫
Is so crazy me and jerry playing prop inside the library ♫♫
The song is from “自由发挥” ♫♫
Is a group of 2 members 1 from 新光大道 another is from 大学生了没 ♫♫
I feel this song not bah and the MV super cute and nice ♫♫
"ping ping ping piang piang piang kuan kuan kuan kang" ♫♫
2nd song is from them also ♫♫
I feel the lyric 。。。。 ♫♫
Maybe my mind same as them ♫♫
谁不知道你有的只是运气 ♫♫
所以你去死吧,别再说一堆屁话 ♫♫
仿佛全世界的人都要在意你的想发 ♫♫
所以你去死吧,别再把我当傻瓜 ♫♫
你还怕没人知道你是王八 ♫♫
Enjoy my life now ♫♫
Monday GYM , Tuesday Swimming Wednesday Go Home early Thursday and Friday planning now ♫♫
Today is Tuesday that mean going to swim just now ♫♫
Swim 10 laps just now , is a bit tired after swim ♫♫
But when I jump into water I feel soosososo relax inside the water ♫♫
I can control my breath myself ♫♫
And I found something , is so simple but I laugh no stop ♫♫
The joy is laugh from my heart ♫♫
We just play splashed water to each other ♫♫
Is so stress for 19 years ♫♫
Take photo , Swimming , Splashed water can make me feel relax ♫♫
What can stop me to continue my hobby neh ? ♫♫
Hope after that I still got time continue splashed water with them ♫♫
This few day keep asking ppl go take photo with me ♫♫
Pls take it serious oh , I am soo enthu go out with u all and go take photo ♫♫
Don't have camera nevermind can borrow from other ♫♫
But who willing to lend me his/her camera leh ? ♫♫
So keep ask ppl go out with me so I can use their camera to take photo ♫♫
Hope I can success go out with them learn some skill from them ♫♫
Is time to enjoy my life ♫♫
After graduate maybe don't have so many time to play whatever I like ♫♫
So everything must do it now ♫♫
要疯狂就要趁年轻 ♫♫
Is so crazy me and jerry playing prop inside the library ♫♫

OMG jerry is so suit to having this hair style .. ♫♫
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